HOW TO Nicole Gibson HOW TO Nicole Gibson

Connecting in Community Step 8: LOVE YOUR ENEMY

A core element of peacebuilding is helping those who perceive each other as enemies to choose peace, reconcile, and find a way forward together. If we’re going to help others reconcile, we also need to do the hard work of practicing it ourselves. 

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HOW TO Nicole Gibson HOW TO Nicole Gibson

Seeing 'The Other' as Myself

We’re walking through 10 easy, practical steps anyone can take to start to be a peacebuilder in their community. This is the story of one peace catalyst who took the challenge to connect with “the other.”

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HOW TO Nicole Gibson HOW TO Nicole Gibson

Connecting in Community Step 7: CONNECT WITH THE 'OTHER'

Communities will always have in-groups and out-groups, those with more influence and those with less. The question is, how will these groups relate? Will the out-groups - the “other” - be welcomed into relationship and decision-making, or will they be kept on the outskirts of the community? 

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HOW TO Nicole Gibson HOW TO Nicole Gibson

Connecting in Community Step 6: CONNECT WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS

We want to engage our whole community in peacebuilding, so we’re giving you 10 small, easy things you can do to start connecting in your community by understanding yourself, your context, the people in your community, and the conflicts in your setting. Step 6 is CONNECTING WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS. Healthy communities are built when neighbors know, trust, and care for each other, so this one is important.

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HOW TO Nicole Gibson HOW TO Nicole Gibson

Connecting in Community Step 2: LEAN INTO THOSE WHO'VE GOT YOUR BACK

For the end of the year we’re sharing 10 small, easy things you can do to start to understand yourself, your context, your community, and the conflicts in your setting. Our 2nd step is to LEAN INTO THOSE WHO’VE GOT YOUR BACK. Peacebuilding is all about relationships, so an important practice is to recognize and celebrate those who care for us, encourage us, and challenge us.

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HOW TO Nicole Gibson HOW TO Nicole Gibson

Connecting in Community Step 1: KNOW YOUR STORY

As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Understanding is the first step in any peacebuilder’s journey, so for the end of the year we’re sharing 10 small, easy things you can do to start to understand yourself, your context, your community, and the conflicts in your setting.

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