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Peter & Liz Digitale Anderson


Liz and Peter Digitale Anderson are based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where they are equipping community peacemakers and collaborating with others for racial justice and healing. Drawing on their experiences in community organizing and development, interfaith peacebuilding, and contemplative spirituality, they are weaving together internal and external liberation alongside their neighbors, fellow activists, and people of faith.

Their collaborative projects include facilitating a healing and practice space for white men undoing white supremacist and patriarchal cultures; organizing white folk, especially people of faith, to work for racial justice alongside BIPOC partners; providing nonviolent protection for civilians and training others in safety skills; building community and inspiring activists through singing circles; and more. In addition, Peter leads trainings in conflict transformation, nonviolence, trauma awareness and healing, and community-based peacebuilding.

You can follow the work of PCI-Minnesota on their Facebook page, and check out more about Peter and Liz's projects on their blog.

Email Peter at
Email Liz at


Support Peter & Liz

Gifts may be designated for a particular ministry; however, in the event that a ministry is discontinued or overfunded, Peace Catalyst International reserves the right to redirect your donation for other needs within the organization.